5 Signs You Should Call the Best Mold Removal Companies West Palm Beach Provides

Mold removal companies in West Palm Beach provide a critical service to local residences and businesses when mold contamination is present. The best mold removal companies West Palm Beach offers will be licensed, insured, available 24/7, respond quickly, have the latest mold detection and mold removal technology, and will offer amazing customer service from start to finish. Now that you know how to identify a reputable mold removal company, do you know how to tell if you even need to call one? Sometimes, identifying a mold problem is not so straightforward. Sure, if you see black splotches on your walls or ceiling, then you know you likely have black mold. However, people can still have dangerous mold problems without such obvious signs. This article is intended to help West Palm Beach, Florida residents learn how to identify the signs of mold so that you can call for the best mold removal companies West Palm Beach has to offer when it matters the most, and Titan Remediation is the local leader when it comes to the war on mold.

Why is Mold Such a Problem in West Palm Beach?

Before we look at five signs you should call for mold removal companies, let’s first understand why mold is more prominent in our local area of West Palm Beach. Household mold can develop anywhere. However, in areas with a high moisture index and high humidity, the perfect conditions exist for mold spores to gather and populate a colony. West Palm Beach gets an average of 63 inches of rain per year, and considering the national average is 38 inches, this is a high amount. In addition, West Palm Beach has a lot of old classic homes, and as nice as they are, these homes tend to get slow leaks in the roof and around windows, which is not noticeable until dripping begins, and by then mold would have had plenty of time to grow and spread. West Palm Beach is also very humid, and this just encourages mold growth even more.

1. Better Call Mold Removal Companies West Palm Beach Offers if You Detect a Rotten, Musty Odor

Have you ever smelled old, wet books? If you detect an odor like this emanating from your walls or floor, the scent could be due to mold volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) and the chemicals that are slowly released during the mold’s life cycle. This is a powerful sign that you likely have a mold colony and should call for West Palm Beach mold removal services without delay, as mold can make your family sick, and even cause death.

2. If Asthma or Allergy Symptoms Get Worse, Call a Mold Removal West Palm Beach Company

If you or a loved one with asthma or allergies experiences an extreme flare-up in symptoms, you could have a mold problem. At the same time, people who were previously healthy a year ago but have since developed respiratory issues can also point to a potential mold problem in the home. Mold releases mycotoxin, a harmful material that causes respiratory problems, and people with allergies or asthma are especially vulnerable to getting critically ill from being exposed to this substance. If you are feeling fatigue, are coughing, sneezing, and have other symptoms, you should call Titan Remediation, one of the best mold removal companies West Palm Beach offers and get an immediate mold inspection.

3. Carpets with Odors and Spots Require Mold Removal

If you notice that spots have formed in your carpets, and there is an odor that’s not ordinary, you will want to call one of the mold removals companies West Palm Beach offers, and Titan Remediation is the best. Rugs and carpets are known as “high-risk areas” for mold colonies because the spores love to nestle in between the fibers. In some cases, people have lifted up the corners of their carpet only to see black mold breeding on the pad and on the subfloor. At this point, the mold spores have already started spreading, so you will want to call for mold inspection and removal as soon as possible before the problem gets worse.

4. Funky Furniture? Call Mold Removal West Palm Beach Companies for the Fastest Response

We don’t mean a cool 70s fabric reflecting a funky era, we are talking about furniture emitting a funky smell. Wood, fabric, foam, and leather are magnets for mildew, and floating mold spores are more likely to settle and be retained in porous materials. If you have high moisture in your home you will want to frequently inspect furniture, drapes, carpets, and textiles. However, if you smell a funky odor or see spots, please call for mold inspection and mold removal services in West Palm Beach as soon as possible.

5. Black Grout and Gunk on Bathroom Tiles and Linoleum Warrant Calling for Mold Removal

A window with black spots on the wall

If you see spotting or gunk on your tiles and on the grout, then you likely have mildew and mold buildup. Bathrooms get more moisture than any other room in the home. To help avoid this you can use a squeegee to wipe down water in the shower, walls, and the floor. But regardless, moisture will still gather, and if your bathroom’s ventilation system isn’t at full force, then you could have a mold problem and should call the experts.

Call Titan Remediation in West Palm Beach, we are the Best Mold Removal Company in the County

If any of these warning signs are familiar, you will want to call Titan Remediation for mold removal services right away. After our team inspects your home and removes every last mold spore, we will teach you how to prevent household mold, and make sure your family is protected from the harmful fungus. Your family’s health and resale value of your home are not worth the gamble; call us at the first sign of a mold problem and we will come out with lightning speed to restore your property.